Mr. Fayis Asraf Ali  has been honoured by Bharatiya Book of Records on his successful arrival to London UK on 01st June 2024.


Mr. Fayis Asraf Ali   began his Bicycle journey on August 15, 2022, from  Trivandrum. He will go through 35 Countries on this travels  from India (Kerala) to London.  He is an ECE Engineer by profession and an international cyclist based out of India. He is  Doing a solo bicycle ride from Kerala to London across 35 countries covering around 30,000 km which was started from the capital of Kerala -Trivandrum by participating in the “Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav” celebrations on Monday on AUG 15 2022 flag offed by Honourable Education Minister Shri V Sivankutty. This project was launched by Rotary International President Jennifer E Jones during her Visit to Kochi.
He entered the United Kingdom (London-Final Destination) on June 1st 2024 at London Tower bridge by 2.00PM ( UKTime). He was welcomed by many Indian communities at London Tower Bridge. His family flewed to UK to receive him. He had already completed his ride in India, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Iraq, Iran, Armenia, Georgia, Turkey, Greece, North Macedonia, Serbia, Croatia, Slovania, Hungary, Slovakia, Austria, Czech Republic, Poland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium and France.. Presently he is in UK, 34th country of his ride. So far he has completed his ride in 34 Countries.
Mr. Fayis Asraf Ali  has been honoured by Bharatiya Book of Records on his successful arrival to London UK on 01st June 2024. 
Through this ride, I intend to create awareness about
•    fitness and healthcare, 
•    “End Polio Now” of the Rotary Mission, 
•    promoting conflict resolution and peace building, 
•    Go Green by focusing on Zero Carbon emission 
•    anti-drug campaign in campuses

So, this voyage has a lot of social values rather than being an adventure ride.
So far, I had interacted with students from,
•    Universities - 03
•    Colleges - 10
•    Schools – 24
Ride updates: 
Continents covered-2
Countries pedalled -34
Kilometres covered: 30040 km
School/campus visit: 37
Embassy visit: 26.