This is how Ankur Warikoo fulfilled girl’s bookstore wish he came across online: ‘If you don’t ask, answer is always no’


Have you ever thought of asking for something on social media and actually getting it?” wrote Ankur Warikoo on LinkedIn while sharing a heartwarming story about how he fulfilled a young girl’s bookstore wish.

The 43-year-old entrepreneur was scrolling through X (formerly Twitter) in 2022 when he came across a post by a girl named Vanshita that read, “I just need someone to take me to a bookstore and pay my bill.”

he same year, Warikoo replied to her and asked about the city she was based in. Vanshita, surprised by the response, expressed her disbelief, saying: “OMG! This didn’t happen.”

“I’m based out of Assam, but I’ll be in Bengaluru next week,” she added.

Warikoo then informed Vanshita that one of his team members would host her in Bengaluru and that she could buy “whichever and however many books she wanted.”

Warikoo, in his LinkedIn post a few hours ago, wrote, “32 books later, the tweet became a reality!”

While reacting to this post, an individual wrote, “This story shows the power of generosity and the value of investing in knowledge. Sometimes, just asking can open doors you never imagined.”

“Lovely gesture, Ankur Warikoo,” expressed another.

A third commented, “Such a lovely gesture, Ankur Warikoo. I might do this someday. Inspiring. And yes, ‘you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take’.”